A Positive and Supportive School Environment
At ISC-Sharjah, we are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of every student, which is why we offer very high levels of personal care and attention. Our teachers and staff are devoted professionals who take an interest in each student's strengths, challenges, and needs with the goal of helping the student optimally participate and benefit from our rich and engaging learning environment.
As part of this commitment to our students’ wellbeing, we provide an array of services that aim to support the academic and emotional development of our students, as well as support their physical wellbeing.
Learning Support
Learning support is an essential part of the SABIS® Educational System implemented at ISC-Sharjah.
Every student’s progress is monitored, and when learning gaps form, students, working together with their teachers and school administrators, can together focus their efforts on filling the gaps through additional support channels at the school.
The support is offered through:
Teacher-Led Study Groups: Study groups led by a teacher that meet to review important concepts taught in class.
Assigning Prefects & Group Leaders: Teachers may assign students important roles in the classroom that require them to be more responsible, attentive, and confident.
Support is also offered through the Academic Department of the SABIS® Student Life Organization (SLO) at ISC-Sharjah. Our mentors are always ready to help their colleagues, whether during break time, free periods, weekends, or after school. By working together to better grasp the concepts previously explained in class, students improve their teaching skills and become the leaders they are meant to be. The support provided includes:
- Peer Tutoring: Student-to-student tutoring sessions
- Power Study Sessions: Specialized groups that meet to study for upcoming assessments
- Academic Competitions: Academic focused games that help in making learning engaging and fun
- On-Demand Tutoring Videos: A set of teaching videos, narrated by students and vetted by SABIS®, explaining a variety of academic concepts
Advising Classes
Starting from Grade 4, students at ISC-Sharjah have weekly Advising Classes designed to provide students with a safe space to discuss contemporary themes of importance to their lives.
In the earlier years, topics include peer pressure, organizational skills, personal hygiene, health and exercise, conflict resolution, problem-solving skills, time management, and exam preparation techniques.
As students reach higher classes and progress in maturity, their Advising Classes cover additional topics related to health and well-being, IT safety, cultural understanding, and interview skills as well as career and university counseling.
Health & Wellness
ISC-Sharjah has a number of resident nurses responsible for the medical care of students during the school day. Our nurses provide care in the case of injuries and acute illness, as well as the long-term management of students with special healthcare needs. Nurses also promote health and safety at the school level and are always available to respond to students’ health-related questions and concerns.
Our nursing staff is also equipped to manage urgent situations and emergencies.
University Counseling
At ISC-Sharjah, students are prepared to meet the admissions requirements of the most competitive universities in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and the rest of Europe, the Middle and Far East, and Australia. With the support of our dedicated and highly skilled university counselor, we make sure our students have access to their universities of choice.
Our University Counselor helps students:
- Understand national diploma equivalence requirements
- Create a superior high school résumé featuring academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, etc.
- Select the most suited university and navigate the college application process
- Use online university platforms to apply to universities worldwide.
- Develop college application essays and personal statements
- Complete application requirements (letters of recommendation, etc.)
- Prepare for standardized college entrance exams, such as AP®, IGCSE, AS/A Level, SAT, etc.
University counselling begins in Grade 9. The ISC-Sharjah counselor administers general interest surveys and engages students in discussions about their career interests. These discussions lead to more detailed talks about the subjects the students may wish to study at university and the countries in which they want to study. Parents are also involved at this stage. Students are then asked to carry out guided research and discuss their findings with our counselor.
By Grade 11, students begin to become more precise about their university options. At this stage, our university counselor looks into the interests and academic performance of each student, and together with their students agree on a range of suitable universities.
At the beginning of Grade 12, ISC-Sharjah students begin to prepare their university applications with the assistance and close guidance of our university counselor and a variety of tools and platforms. In many cases, this is an evolving process informed by each student’s academic progress and carefully monitored by the counselor.
Throughout the whole process, ISC-Sharjah students and their parents have ready access to the university counselor and can request an appointment at any time.